Further Tasks

Relevant papers:

  1. Camera calibration: 10.1109/34.888718

  2. Procrustes analysis (point based registration): 10.1109/TPAMI.1987.4767965

  3. Pivot/Pointer calibration: 10.1109/TMI.2007.907327

Coding tasks:

  1. Add GUI components to move prostate model around w.r.t. World Coordinate system - this enables you to correct the registration, or adjust for errors.

  2. Unit tests.

  3. Try different PnP algorithms.

  4. Adapt to stereo.

Performance evaluation:

  1. How might we assess the tracking accuracy of the pointer?

  2. Measure the accuracy of translational measurement in X/Y plane, and in Z direction?

  3. Measure error at each of the 4 fiducials?