Build Your Own Image Guided Surgery System

  1. Obtain a suitable test phantom, in this case a prostate phantom.
A prostate phantom, for which we have a CT scan, a reference marker, and a pointer.
  1. Find a USB camera, there are a few in the lab, or we can use a tablet with a rear facing camera.

3. Get B.A.R.D.

git clone

or navigate to and use the download button

navigate to the scikit-surgerybard directory and run

pip install .

You may need to add

pip install --user

if you don’t have administrative permissions.

Another method to get BARD and all its dependant packages is the following

git clone

Change directory to the newly created scikit-surgerybard by

cd scikit-surgerybard

Run the tox commands


If tox run successfully, For Mac and Linux, activate the virtual environment using command

source .tox/py36/bin/activate

If all goes well the prompt should be preceded by (py36).

For Windows, activate the virtual environment using command


If all goes well the prompt should be preceded by (py36).

You should now have BARD setup with all dependancies in your computer. Continue with the next task.